Here are some MP3 files of cute things these girls say!


Yes there are files in MP3 format on this page, here I would like to address two of the main concerns of MP3 files on FC:

1.) Music MP3 files of artists etc. may/may not be illegal, I will not get into that. These MP3 files were made in the following manner: Recorded my little cousins saying funny things on a tape recorder. Put them in my computer as .WAV files using "sound recorder: then converted them to MP3's using "sound recorder". These files are not of any artist, performer or music oriented piece. If anyone owns the copyright on these, I do cause' I made them of my family and I made them from scratch.
2.) I could have posted the .WAV files of my little cousins instead but to post the same amount of songs in .WAV format would have taken 9 MB. The MP3's I made take up 1.5 MB. So as far as taking up space, these MP3's are actually SAVING space, not taking it up. The only reason why I converted from .WAV to MP3 was to conserve space.
These are my arguements for the validness of my MP3 files. I feel that most would agree that they are both legal and space conservative. If there is a further concern please contact me at [email protected] and I will remove them from the page. Thankyou

Now On With The Page!

These files are recorded in .WAV format and then converted to MP3 format for the sake of saving space.(a 10MB .wav file might take up less than 1MB in MP3 format!)However, since they were converted using Windows "sound recorder", I've found that Sound Recorder can be used to play the MP3 files, and a seperate program such as WINAMP MAY not be needed.
Steps to listen to sound files
1.)Click on the file you would like to listen to. A dialog box should pop up asking you if you want to "open this file from its current location" or "save this file to disk". Select "save this file to a disk".(it won't actually have to be a disk)
2.)Next select a directory to save the file to. It doesn't actually have to be a disk. Select a directory/folder that is easy to get to and you won't forget. I.E. save it to "desktop".
3.)Goto Start/Programs/Accessories/Multimedia/Sound Recorder This will open the program "Sound Recorder".
4.)If you saved the file to "desktop", just simpily go and drag the sound file icon from the desktop to the Sound Recorder window. Press play and hopefully the you should hear the sound file. Or go to the file menu in "Sound Recorder" and select "open".
5.)Select the directory where the sound file was saved and open it. Now you should be able to play the file.
Steps if the above does not work.
1.)If the above did not work you will need to download a MP3 player. This is a good idea anyway since MP3 music files are the wave of the future. And if you aren't into it already, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!!! For those of you on school networks, if you have an MP3 player, you'll be able to access hundreds of new music right from the network. ANYWAY......
2.)I have found that WINAMPis one of the best MP3 audio players. To down load WINAMP, click here.
3.)After you download the program you need to install it. Usually this is done automatically once the download procedure finishes.
4.)After it has been installed you need to run the program. For me, I've found that WINAMP does not automatically start playing the sound file. And usually if you select "open this file from it's current location" in the initial dialog box it saves it to some obscure temporary internet files folder. So you best bet would be to save it to your Desktop like above, open WINAMP, then drag the sound file icon from the Desktop to the WINAMP window. Press play and now you should definitely here the sound file!!!:-)
  • Bubble Gum
  • Rachel's Name
  • Rachel Fibs
  • Cut the cat nails
  • Rachel's Bird Impression